Child Poverty in Bexhill & Battle.
Child Poverty in Bexhill and Battle is worse than the national average, and has been for several years.
And you heard it here first :
Child Poverty in Bexhill and Battle
Official figures show that very nearly one third of the children in Bexhill and Battle are growing up in
official poverty, and there will be many more only just above that abysmal level. These children
represent the essential workers of the future - the future nurses, the future care workers, the future
key workers. In poverty will these children be able to pursue education to fulfil their potential? In
poverty it is a logical response to want to be earning as soon as possible, not pursuing education.
How crazy is this? We don't have enough nurses yet the Government puts even more obstacles in
the way of would-be nurses!
Our MP, Huw Merriman, is not one of those who have pledged to try to end child poverty. The
National Education Union's campaign "No Child Left Behind" provides a way to exert pressure on the
MP. Clicking on the link:
No Child Left Behind
provides access to a customisable email to the MP and another link, to a tweet, is available. Our
MP's children are not growing up in poverty - so that is all right then?