LibDems back Youth Mobility
Lewes LibDem MP James McCleary has successfully presented a Private Member’s Bill in Parliament with a passionate and widely praised speech promoting Youth Mobility. The move would allow people aged 18-30 to spend up to 3 years living and working in the EU and vice versa for young people from the EU. After extensive government prevarication James’s Bill passed its first reading in January and is due for second reading on 25th July.
LibDems believe this marks a first tentative step towards redressing the damage done by Brexit and can have enormous benefits for the country as well as for aspirational young people. A recent YouGov poll showed that 75% of 18-24 year olds who were too young to vote in the Referendum oppose Brexit and regret the loss of the freedom of movement, study and work enjoyed by the previous two generations.
The move would help many British businesses that have struggled with staff shortages in areas such as hospitality and care and would mark a big step forward in terms of converting warmer words into positive actions. Hopefully it would then lead on, for instance, to returning to the Erasmus+ scheme that promotes cross-border higher education, and mutual recognition of professional qualifications.
Anyone who believes that in these troubled times we need to start rebuilding our relationships with mainland Europe should ensure they lobby their MP to support the Bill’s second reading in July.
Jeremy Field,
Chair, Battle & District LibDems